Thursday, February 4, 2010

What? I'm Still Cooking??

An interesting phenomenon I am experiencing as a result of my recent layoff is a renewed desire to cook and other "domestic" things. It is strange to find myself thinking of recipes these past couple of weeks when I have not thought much about cooking for the past few years. I give credit to a lady who was at the salon where I get my hair done as she asked for input on her menu for the week so she could make her shopping list. It got me thinking about making a list of recipes which I promptly did when I returned home, followed by a trip to the grocery store to purchase all the necessary ingredients.

So I think this phenomenon is really more about my need to bring structure to my days by cooking, exercising and cleaning, hence the things I can still control. I desperately hope that soon I will be ready to apply as much time and energy to finding a new job.

In the meantime I continue to cook.  Last night I made chicken soup with angel hair pasta with the ingredients shown to the right.

Start with sautéing green onion, in butter. Once translucent, add in thyme, white pepper, salt and garlic until the garlic becomes fragrant (about 1 minute). Then add in the chicken. Once the chicken is cooked, add in white wine, water, chicken broth, carrots and cooked tomatoes. Bring liquid to a boil and then turn down the heat to a simmer and cook until carrots are tender. Then add in angel hair pasta and fresh chopped basil.

This is a good and hearty soup that goes great with a glass of wine and a slice of fresh rosemary garlic bread. It might be good to include a nice little side salad.

The great thing about this recipe are the leftovers, making nice lunches for the next couple of days. Sans wine of course. Cheers!

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