Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Chronicles of a Sunflower

My garden of summer flowering plants did not take off the way I hoped, at least for those in the planter.  All of the Zinnia seedlings disappeared practically overnight.  The Vincas dried up in the first week of 110 degree temps. The exceptions are the Moss Roses and the grass, both are hanging strong.

Out of all the Sunflowers I planted, only 3 came to bloom.  The upside is that the largest blooming Sunflower is the last to bloom.  When I got home from work last night and saw that it was opening, I thought that at least the best was saved for last.  It was that which inspired me to use my camera and chronicle the stages. 

In this first picture, you can see that most of the pedals have opened.  You can still see Nature's mandala in the center.

This second picture, literally taken overnight, shows all the pedals are open and the mandala is shrinking while all the little stamens are opening.  The bees are at work...  They are so small.  Click to enlarge.

More pictures to come.

1 comment:

Andrea Rooks said...

How happy! It makes me smile to see your sunflower. Perhaps it will inspire me to make something bright and happy today. I'm not feeling so bright and happy at the moment -- I think a sinus infection is brewing. Ugh...