Saturday, May 1, 2010

To just be

I have given some thought to my state of mind today, particularly because I am procrastinating on my chores, errands and basically doing anything productive.  Hmm?? Why am I not getting my arms length of stuff done instead of sitting in front of my computer for like the past 3 hours?

The need to relax can partly be explained due to getting back to work this week.  I quickly discovered what a shock it was to the system it to go back to the working world.  Getting up at 4 a.m. to do Yoga and work out, then working all day which has been very physical, then come home in time to make dinner, unwind and do it all over again.  Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be working, to be out of the house and hopefully on my way to creating a more realistic and normal life.  It feels good and I feel energetic mentally, but at least initially it has also physically drained me.  Still recovering from the meds for treating a "sinus infection" might explain some of it too.

In returning to this state of the "real" world, I am realizing that I need to find my purpose, my happy place, my yang to the yen of this new state, my upside.  So I think that my taking this time to procrastinate for a bit today is about that.  Putting a balance into my week, catching up on emails and Facebook before I set about on another busy day.

To just listen to my body.  To just relax for a bit.  To just breathe.  To just be.

“Smile, breathe and go slowly”  Thich Nhat Hanh

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