Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Finding beauty in the day

I was just thinking to myself that some days it can be extra difficult to find the beauty in a day when up popped a picture of a blooming Lilac Vine on my screen saver.  Silly as it might sound, for me this was one of those ah-ha moments where finding something beautiful was easier than I imagined and didn't require my going out to find something new or find something in a dimensional form. 

I took this picture at Boyce Thompson Arboretum a couple of years ago.  I love the vivid color of the blooms.

As we are approaching the warmer part of spring and the eventual onslaught of an Arizona summer, sadly most of my plants that I have featured many times on my blog are fading and will die out soon.  Until next Fall when the blooming season begins, I can thankfully draw upon the ton of pictures I have to help me find the beauty in each day.

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