Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Sun returned today

Fantastic! The Sun is back out today and returning with it are my cheer, inspiration and an overall sense of wellbeing. I am amazed at how different I feel between yesterday and today. Yesterday was gray and rainy and left me feeling achy like I was coming down with a cold. And today, the Sun is out and all the aches and cold symptoms appear to be gone.

Living in the ‘Valley of the Sun’ as I have forever, I was never aware of any differences in myself between sunny and cloudy days. I am not sure why I am now, but I guess for one thing, it’s Arizona and it’s not very often that the sun isn’t shining. So when I woke up this morning to the sun peeking through my blinds, I was instantly inspired to do something today that connected me to this wonder.

While still in pj’s, I began my day photographing how the morning sun was playing off the flowers in my backyard. Lately, capturing the morning sun on flora, whether in my backyard or on some trail, has become a passion for me. There is something magical about the early sun as it lights upon the earth that just fascinates me.

With the Sun’s life sustaining power and the affect it has on me, I can understand why civilizations have and still do worship the Sun and their Solar Deities, like the Roman Sol Invictus, the Germanic Sol, and the Egyptian Ra and so on. Even in Yoga there are a combination of poses that when combined together are referred to as Sun Salutations. Hmm, I think I will do some Yoga in the back yard this morning as my personal salutation to the Sun.

Whatever you are at today, may the sun shine on you and warm your heart.

“The earth has received the embrace of the sun and we shall see the results of that love.” Sitting Bull


Anonymous said...

Your pots look really pretty...
Enjoy them while you can before the hot weather.


Andrea Rooks said...

Beautiful flowers! Bret and I went to the garden-supply store this weekend with the girls. It was so fun to be surrounded by such beautiful living things. I then had a delightful time working under the sun in our backyard. I've declared war on our weeds this year and have found a wonderful, energetic outlet in plucking the waist-high weeds!