Sunday, August 28, 2011

Abby and Coz

The other night, my cats were acting as my personal centurions.  This is something they do often, following me wherever I go around the house.  They seem to know by my rituals whether my movements around the house signal it is their time to follow me or if they should stay put. 

This particular evening, they knew that I was just moving around in the back of the house and would be coming back out. They stationed themselves where they could watch and wait for me to return, in the doorway between the kitchen and living room. 

Something about this ritual of ours struck me as funny and I felt a need to grab the camera.  It seems that by my retreating back to my bedroom, Coz thought it meant that I was going to stay back there and he followed me.  Abby stuck to her post until I laid down on the floor with the camera and then both cats got weird. 

Their expressions are priceless. 

Abby and Coz thought it was going to be all snuggly time.

My babies are amazing. 

I love that Abby and Coz need to be around me.  They constantly talk to me.  Coz especially has this range of sounds that he uses when he wants certain things.  Abby has the need to procure anything that is small enough for her to run off with and play kitty hockey.  They have one job function.  They are the exterminators and they are great at it.  They are my furry little compadres.

Okay, this just sounded a lot like that crazy cat lady who everyone grew up with on their block.