I contribute part of this state of mind and being to new employment which naturally has taken a certain amount of burden off my shoulders. I also contribute some other factors, like that I'm finally living a larger portion of my days free from "drama" which I will contribute to living Rumi's saying, "Be with those who help your being".
This adage has been a favorite of mine for years and years, but it is finally becoming the main stay, the philosophy of which I wish to live my life.
We all know that life has its ups and downs, and it can be really difficult to find happiness during the down times. However, the older I get I find that going through those down times seems to make those up times all the sweeter. From there, I guess I could also say that I am finding some lessons in how I want to live my life.
To me it's all Yin Yang. Wikipedia says, “Yin yang constantly interacts, never existing in absolute stasis.” How very true.